
From little questions to what feel like insurmountable problems, Tel-jeunes is there!

Being There in the Right Way at the Right Time

Thanks to a dedicated, committed, and innovative team, Tel-jeunes is an ally of all young people in Quebec, every single day.

Answering questions, offering guidance, and being a daily reassuring presence; that's our job.


Our goal: to ensure that each of Quebec's 516,000 youth has come across Tel-jeunes at some point during their adolescence. 

Impact Report 2022-2023

Tel-jeunes is growing!

Our impact reports are a gold mine of relevant information on the organization’s evolution, profiles of the young people and the adults around them who use our services, and those who make our ongoing existence possible.

Check out our reports to learn more about who we are, our successes, our challenges, our impact, and our achievements.

Youth Committee

Tel-jeunes stays up to date on youth’s needs thanks to an advisory board made up of committed and inspired young people!

The ones that make everything possible

Our Team

The Tel-jeunes team has over 80 staff members from all walks of life, including Tj counsellors, ambassadors, and professionals.


Through collaboration and innovation, the team commits to being Quebec’s youth ally, guiding them in their daily discoveries, first experiences, confusing questions, and through difficult times. 


The Tel-jeunes team is supported daily by a visionary and passionate management team, committed to the collective well-being.