Impact Report 2021-2022

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Stronger for them, because of you!

2021 started with the same uncertainty as the early days of the pandemic. We all eagerly and hopefully looked to get back to a level of normalcy but were also fearful of seeing any progress swallowed up by new outbreaks. For those growing up in this unpredictable time while also dealing with the trials of adolescence, the challenge was enormous. It meant a return to online schooling, long-distance relationships, the loss of connections and activities, and facing the sometimes-tumultuous situations at home. We had a front-row seat to how these restrictions affected young people and their parents, and knew we had to act. So, we did.

Tel-jeunes has rallied around young people more than ever; we’ve expanded our range of services and diversified the ways we help, while always keeping the youth at the heart of our decisions. Their positive responses to our many initiatives confirmed the importance of giving young people a voice. This report is an important reflection of our organization and its impact. You’ll certainly sense our drive to reinvent ourselves to better achieve our mission throughout these pages.

I would like to acknowledge the exceptional work of our team members, who embraced this new vision for Tel-jeunes enthusiastically. My sincerest thanks also goes to the Quebec government and our many partners and donors, who allow us to continue dreaming up the best ways to support young people and their parents on a daily basis

Céline Muloin, President and CEO

The 360 Project

In the winter of 2021, the Quebec Ministry of Education chose Tel-jeunes as their partner in its plan to help young people during the second year of the pandemic. This invaluable support allowed us to carry out the ambitious 360 Project. Our objective: to significantly increase our ability to help those who contact the intervention center, and to reach more young people by utilizing three new support services adapted to those who are less likely to seek counselling.

This means that Tel-jeunes is no longer just about intervention; it’s a space where it's possible to talk to other young people via our Tj Forum and our Youth Ambassador Live Chat, in addition to finding answers through the personalized navigation portal on our website.

By offering reliable responses to the many challenges young people seek help with, Tel-jeunes has positioned itself as a trusted ally that is ever more attuned to their needs.

The Intervention Center

The qualified professional intervention team at Tel-jeunes and LigneParents is an essential source of specialized support for our clients. The intervention center continues to welcome, support, and inform thousands of young people every year, and helps them find solutions adapted to their situations. 

Our intervention service is also an essential safety net for the parents of youth who need to be a source of stability for their children during this highly unstable period. Our in-depth knowledge about the realities of young-people’s lives has been an invaluable asset to these parents, who often have important needs but limited resources.

Always There

Working in Schools

Adapting our services to be entirely online has allowed us to meet over 8,000 young people in twelve of Quebec’s administrative regions. Our strong presence in schools is a good way to introduce Tel-jeunes and helps us remain in the daily life of young people, all while ensuring our continued relevance.

We also continue to provide educators with the tools they need to implement mandatory sex education content in their curriculum. We have the honour of renewing this mandate with the Quebec Ministry of Education until 2024.

Social Media’s Buzzing

Our testimonials and informative content are available to young people throughout the year. Our promise is that they will find accessible, accurate, and relevant information on the topics that interest them most.

Young People and Parents’ Voices in the Media

Our team continues to be a source that reports on young people and parents’ experiences in the media.

Our Youth Committee that’s at the Heart of our Decisions

Our 2021-2022 Youth Committee renewed its mandate to ensure that Tel-jeunes remains inclusive, relevant, and up to date in its communications, practices, and content. Mentored by comedian David Beaucage, the committee members participated in many exciting projects, like producing the podcast, and were included in the discussions about creating our new services.

Tel-jeunes’ First Podcast

It's thanks to you that we can continue our mission

At the Tel-jeunes Foundation, we believe that a compassionate presence at the exact right moment can change a life’s trajectory. The idea that all Quebec’s young people should be able to count on us is at the heart of our mission.

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the businesses and individuals who have decided to support our mission. Supporting the Foundation means choosing to offer help directly to thousands of young people and parents who are looking for answers at pivotal moments in their lives. Your contributions are essential if we are to continue offering services that are just as important. Thank you!

Our Dedicated Spokespeople

Marina Orsini
LigneParents Spokesperson
Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse
Tel-jeunes Spokesperson

Touching People’s Hearts is what Makes us Shine

Last spring, the Tel-jeunes Foundation was able to continue to shine thanks to an exciting new awareness campaign. With Québecor’s support, a large-scale media campaign featuring TV ads, billboards, bus panels, and digital ads was created to remind the public of donation opportunities and ways to engage with the Tj community.

An Entirely Virtual Lobster Lunch

The Tel-jeunes Foundation had to double its efforts to adapt the annual lunch meeting with the business world to the context of the pandemic. After several months of preparation, and colossal logistical challenges, we were able to bring together over 2,000 participants in a virtual meeting! And maybe most impressively, were able to deliver an equal number of boxed lunches straight to our guests’ homes to keep the tradition alive!


The 35th edition of our lunch, presented by the honorary president Robert Dumas of Sun Life Québec, and our long-standing partner METRO, raised an impressive $540,000!

More and More of You are Helping us be an Ally to Young People; Thank You!

Some choose to donate, others to organize an event to raise money for Tel-jeunes. These generous initiatives have raised close to $20,000 for the cause. Thank you!

Thank You!

A big thank you to Première Moisson for choosing the Foundation as the beneficiary of its annual signature log cake charity event. Pledging a donation of $20 for each "pear-caramel" log sold, Première Moisson gifted Tel-jeunes a record $38,940!

We were selected for the Fizz data gifting campaign where $2 was donated to Tel-jeunes for every data transfer between Fizz customers. The contributions reached a total of $25,000!

Maison Simons launched the “emotions are ok” clothing collection which featured colourful pieces that advocated well-being and self-acceptance. Tel-jeunes received a $5 donation for each item sold in this initiative, which centered around promoting mental health. Our stylish collaboration raised over $16,000!

Stéphanie Harvey, winner of Big Brother Célébrités season 2, and a well-known professional gamer and video game developer, boosted our organization’s visibility when she chose to award us her $25,000 award! Keeping our cause close to her heart, she also raised another $3,000 in donations from her Twitch community!

We would also like to thank Star Académie, the Auto Pour la Vie initiative, Noréa Foyers l'Attisée, Place Ste-Foy and Laurier Québec, and Demain Demain, who all supported Tel-jeunes this year. Your efforts made a huge difference!

Our Generous Donors

Many companies and private foundations have been supporting the Tel-jeunes Foundation for several years. They enable us not only to dream, but also to implement new ways of making a difference in the lives of young people and their parents around Quebec. Thank you for continuing to believe in our mission!

Looking Towards the Future

This past year has been one of growth and innovation at Tel-jeunes! We are very excited and look forward to continue monitoring the impact of these many changes over the coming months.