Porn: Fiction for adults

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Porn can easily pique your curiosity. Here, we provide some important information on the topic.

It’s normal to be curious about porn or to want to watch it to find out “what to do,” but you need to know 2 important things.


  • First, porn is meant for adults aged 18 and over.
  • Second, the sex acts shown in these movies or videos are anything but realistic. Porn can hurt your sexual development by creating false expectations.


Porn is:


  • The illustration of sex acts in photographs, movies, videos, or online.
  • Sexuality in all its physical aspects (genitalia, explicit sex acts) without any loving emotions.
  • A commercial product: its aim isn’t to educate but to “sell.” So it’s meant to create arousal in consumers very fast.


Even though it’s reserved for people aged 18 and over, pornography is easy to find on the web. You can watch it… a bit. But don’t let it become a habit or your main way of getting aroused. You can masturbate without watching porn. The deeper you dive into that fictional world, the more difficult it can be to have a relationship in the real world.


How can we learn other than with porn?

Porn shows unrealistic scenes. In real life, you’ll learn with practice and experience. You can also learn to know yourself by trying things with your body before you have sex with a partner. Sexuality is a space for discovery. Enjoy exploring your sexuality and listening to your partner. Sometimes you might like something and so will your partner… other times, that doesn’t happen. Talk about it together!